Hero Stones

Published on: 02/04/2018

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Photo title: Hero Stone


Photo Credits: Vikram Nanjappa

Memorial stones erected during ancient times in memory of a hero who martyred his life for a noble cause are called Hero Stones (Viragal in Kannada). These Hero Stones are found in many parts of Southern India.


The Hero Stones found in Karnataka are usually five feet tall granite stones, some of them being over a thousand years old. The landscape of Karnataka is liberally dotted with these stones that are a unique combination of art, poetry and historical fact and give us valuable insights into the fascinating times that our forebears lived in.


An archetypal Hero Stone has sculptures in three panels – the lower most is a depiction of the heroic deed, the middle one shows the Hero as a martyr being carried to heaven and the topmost depicts the Hero or Veera at Kailasa (Abode of Lord Shiva). It was believed that the spirit of the Hero resided forever in the Hero Stone, bestowing benefactions on the community. The spirit was dreaded, loved, adored and worshipped and was considered the saviour of the community.


There is a Hero Stone close to Evolve Back, Kabini that clearly conforms to the above description. It depicts the Hero slaying a larger than life animal, probably a Tiger.


There was a well laid down procedure for the erection of these Hero Stones. The first stage was the selection of a suitable stone for the memorial. The villagers would go to a nearby site to obtain a stone and after careful selection, usually from a rock, would sprinkle water over the stone while reciting a prayer to ensure that all the spirits that had been inhabiting the place may depart so that the stone could be acquired for the memorial.

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Lower Panel


Photo Credits: Vikram Nanjappa

The second stage involved the offering of flowers, incense and the praising of the stone, for it was “the stone” that was going to carry the name and fame of the great hero. The stone would then be quarried and transported to the village to the accompaniment of music and dance.

The third stage involved the stone being soaked in clean water for a number of days or for a specified period of time. It was held that since the stone had been exposed to the vagaries of weather, it was desirable that it be immersed in water.

The hero’s figure was then carved and his exploits inscribed on the stone, after which it was ceremoniously placed in an appropriate place – usually on the outskirts of the village. A great food offering was then made and finally the Hero was praised and prayers were offered for the bestowal of prosperity on the village community.

It has been noted that in the construction of later Hindu temples the process of the selection of a stone for carving the image of a god, the carving of the image, the consecration and other rites are the same as those for the erection of these memorial stones.

Some Hero Stones bear inscriptions explaining the event and the name of the hero. Based on the script used in the inscription, archaeologists are able to date the period of the Hero stone. These Hero Stones are very important records that lead to an understanding of the social and cultural milieu of this period in South India.

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Photo title: Middle Panel


Photo Credits: Vikram Nanjappa

vikram nanjappa kabini blogs

Vikram Nanjappa

Vikram Nanjappa likes to be described as an interested and well-informed amateur. He draws his inspiration from the band of men called the Orientalists, most of whom were amateurs. By profession, they were soldiers and administrators. However, today, they are remembered as giants of scholarship. Like them, his field of enquiry is ‘Man and Nature : whatever is performed by the one or produced by the other’.


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