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Kabini! An ancient land moulded by modernity but also strangely left untouched by it. A land of myths, legends, history and pristine wilderness. A place where sages were born, and mythical characters sought and found refuge. In these jungles, life beats to the rhythms of nature, which unfolds her secrets one page at a time. The secret to success in this venerable realm is the ability to wait and watch.

In this Blog on Kabini, we take you on a long and leisurely journey through this ancient land, which has been witness to mainstream and tribal synergy with a dash of colonial legacy thrown in for good measure.  As fellow travelers we invite you to share your own experiences of this journey of discovery.


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Otterly Wild

Published on: 09/09/2024 | Contributors: Gowri Subramanya & Vikram Nanjappa

It was a warm summer afternoon as our safari boat chugged along on the waters. The familiar sights of cormorants and spot-billed ducks filled our line of sight when movement on the muddy bank suddenly caught my eye.

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An Aural Journey through Nagarahole: The Sound of Life

Published on: 12/08/2024 |Contributors: Santosh Saligram

Sound is an underrated curiosity. Perhaps because it’s a less alien phenomenon than light. At least, it feels more indigenous to Earth. We understand it better. We can relate to it. The ticks of a clock are, after all, less mysterious than the silence between them.

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Five Wildlife Sightings You Can Expect Without Going on Safari

Published on: 08/07/2024 |Contributors: Gowri Subramanya

Safaris are all about expecting the unexpected, and in Kabini, I have had a few exciting and surprisingly close encounters with wildlife outside the gates of the National Park, while on a nature walk or a drive on the village roads.

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